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Estimation Table

The Estimation table is the main element of the application. This is where the project tree is created by the user, with the selected disciplines and resource classes. Several sections comprise the table: project, dates, fees, expenses and totals.

The various links of the grey menu in the estimation table are as follows:

Show All

Displays all information for the estimation and all its levels.

Hide Dates

Hides column dates entered in the table.

Hide Fees

Hides classes entered in the table.


Displays notes related to each line of the estimation.

Additional Options
More options are available in the table:

Display Line

Displays the line in question.


The scrollbar at the bottom of the table allows you to view columns that are not directly displayed in the table.

Possible Modifications
Certain fields in the estimation table can be modified, namely fields that are not in boldface. The editable fields are:

* The number of hours:

* The expense amount, by modifying the cost price and sell price:

Modification Indicator
This indicator shows whether a total has been modified:

Possible Error Messages
If during budget reallocation the number of hours to be reallocated goes over the number initially entered in the base project, error indicators will be displayed, showing the lines affected:

It will then be impossible to submit the estimation. An error message will be displayed: