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What’s New

  • Homepage – Timesheet and expense report approver
  • Homepage – Project tracking graphic
  • Project team and role management

Homepage – Timesheet and expense report approver

Tiles now let the approver view and access timesheets and/or expense reports that are not submitted, pending approval, rejected or approved.

Homepage – Project tracking graphic

A homepage lets the project manager identify projects that must be tracked and validate the health of these projects through a graphic display of the main project tracking indicators:

  • Cost progress
  • Revenue progress
  • Invoicing progress
  • Budget margin
  • Project profitability

Project team and role management

In JOV Project Card, it is now possible to specify which resources are members of the project and their roles.


FeaturesNo. of applicationSpecification
6679Project team and role management
6680Project roles
6681Project members
6682Roles by member
6690Homepage – Employee
6691Homepage – Project manager
6693Easy access to timesheets and expense reports
6694Homepage – Timesheet and expense report approver
6695Approval features
7040JOV Planning Line – Remove description
7076Gantt – Loading errors
7077JOV Divided Planning Line List – Allow creation of a second split
7089Gantt – Modification of duration calculation
7090JOV Planning Line – The end date is not calculated for resources
7091Gantt – In blocks that represent divided planning lines – Display effort as a label
7105Homepage – Project manager – Added graphics
7121Gantt – Error message when displaying the Gantt
7156JOV Project Card – Generate Planning Lines action – Generate all lines
7161JOV Planning Line – Update action – Create lines with the start date
7163Page with the center role ID = 70770718 – Add submitted expense report tile
7164Page with the center role ID = 70770718 – Add open and rejected expense report tiles
7165JOV Project List – Project Graphic action – Make it possible to use buttons to move from a project to another
7167JOV Project Profitability Graphic – The revenue value must be positive
7174JOV Graphic – The revised budget columns (Billable and Cost) (DCY) are not displayed in the graphics
7189JOV Graphic – Changed gap calculation and added legends