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What’s New

  • Planning Feature

Planning Feature

The planning feature introduces a few new elements.

  • JOV Planning Lines

    From a task, planning lines make it possible to manage the effort required to complete this task. The effort can be split into multiple intervals with the “Intervals” button.

  • Project Gantt

    Viewing the project Gantt graphic. From the Gantt, the JOV Planning Lines can be viewed, and “Intervals” can be moved to adjust planning.

  • Project team management

    In a project team, it is possible to define a list of resources and a list of roles, assign roles to resources, and manage capacity by role based on JOV Capacity Models.

  • Planning update

    Utility that updates planning from a replanning date. This utility retrieves and processes the actuals that were posted, and moves unrealized intervals from the replanning date. The planning update can be carried out from a project, one or more tasks, or for a specific planning line.

  • JOV Resource Utilization

    Page that displays resource utilization through time.

  • JOV Capacity Models

    From BC calendars and hour templates, it is possible to define capacity models that will then be assigned to resources and project roles. Once assigned, these models make it possible to manage resource capacity.

  • Resource capacity and exception management

    To manage the capacity of a resource, you need to assign a Capacity Model. An exception list must also be added to this resource, which represents the leaves for this resource that are not included in the model calendar or workable exceptions that will let this resource work on a non-workable date in the model.


FeaturesNo. of applicationSpecification
6683Project teams supported in the project copy.
7193Project calendar management.
7194Capacity model management.
7205Query historical expense reports.
7206Timesheet report – Added total by day
7207Timesheet history – Missing OMZY information
7219Expense report – Make it impossible to enter an expense to a date later than that of the report.
7251Management of resource capacity model.
7252Management of project role capacity model.
7253Task copy from a project to another for projects that do not have the same team.
7355BUG-000049Issue with the lump-sum invoicing type when importing through config package on the French version.
7316Improved planning update.
7328JOV Expense Report – Allow administrator user to submit the expense report.
7334BUG-000050Resource deletion in the company.
7360Management of actuals posted in planning.
7361Resource utilization page.
7413Settings lost when a category is renamed.
7607Payables – Dimensions managed by OMZY are no longer populated correctly.
7624In a detailed budget, make it possible to edit the quantity in the invoicing unit.
7625Destroying an invoice preparation does not correctly deselect associated project transactions.