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Version: Next

What's new

  • Support for task closure
  • Transfer to payables of contractor transactions after posting
  • Architecture change for budgets
  • JOV Detailed Budget by Project gives access to the entire detailed budget for a project
  • Queries and analysis views: Project Status, Project Status By Tasks, Project Ledger
  • Carry over custom dimensions from tasks to billing transactions (sales transactions)


FeaturesNo. of applicationSpecification
8293Transfer to payables of contractor transactions after posting
8383Query and analysis view: Project Status
8384Query and analysis view: Project Status By Tasks
8423Function to modify departments after project creation
8656Review of priorities for assigning billing rates: Resource, Class, Category, Unit of measure, Hour Type, Date. Empty information is always retained but not prioritized.
8768Time sheet – Hide fields: Chargeable and Work Type Code
877200040Added task closure and filter on closed tasks in selections
8773JOV Project Journal – Implement the new Validate procedure
8774JOV Project Journal – Transfer validation alerts to the new Error Messages page.
8775JOV Format – Added a billing agent and an approver
878000015, 00034JOV Project List – Added client and contact
8782Specific rates – Management of markup before social benefits
8783Planning – Management of actual not transferred on the timesheet
8794Budget – Architecture modification for queries and Update Budget feature added to update budgets from the project list or from the project
8807BUG-000073Invoice – Review the presentation of Revision and Move transactions based on whether the source transaction was billed in the same invoice
8809JOV Planning Line Split List – Added columns related to Planning Lines and Task
8818JOV Resource – If the Resource Type is modified and there is a non-transferred timesheet, an alert is added
8819BUG-000071Expense Report – Unable to reopen a rejected expense report to modify it
8824Tasks – Improvements in the Create/Update Format and Sequences function
889500027JOV Detailed Budget By Project – Added a new page that provides the entire detailed budget for a project based on a revision. The page is accessible from the menu or from Budget Management.
8938BUG-000078Manual Writeoff should apply only to the current invoice
8941JOV Project Ledger – Added the Invoice field
8953JOV Planning Lines List – Added the Closed field for filtering purposes
8956BUG-000077Carry over custom dimensions from tasks to billing
8897Query and analysis view: Project Ledger
9169Prevent the deletion of linked lines on a Revision or a Move
9170Allow editing of the department and the productivity code on a Move
9220BUG-000075AAdded task description in the detailed budget
9221BUG-000074Graph on homepage shows projects for which the project manager is the current user
9223BUG-000080Update of a milestone amount
9224BUG-000080Prevent removal of a task from a sequence if transactions are associated, even if billed to date is 0.
9226On a Revision, do not reset the billing rate
9227Move on revised transaction – Destination transactions must have Revision=0
9235BUG-000076, 00037Added Report Inbox in the JOV Project Manager profile
9289Advanced Billing – Unable to add sequences for non-billable / complimentary task types
9307BUG-000072The billing rate of the contract employee is not calculated if markup is used